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Introduction : The Dayclose reopen request related cases are raised when the WDs has done dayclose for future date due to which WD will not be able to do any transaction for the current date. Sometimes the WDs would raise dayclose reopen request for amending or doing the back dated transactions. For reopening the dayclose we need the ITC Branch and ITC SMIS approval to reopen the dayclose. Without the branch and SMIS approval we should not proceed with the dayclose reopen request.

Dayclose Reopen : In the tool go to the Day Close Reopen tab and select the date that the WD wants to reopen and click Reopen Day Close and give yes to reopen the dayclose.


Now the Day is opened for the selected date.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/12/2022
Keerthana S Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 1.0 02/12/2022 02/12/2022

Introduction : Our application runs with the help of SQL. In SQL we have two edition that we are using, they are SQL express edition and SQL standard edition. SQL standard edition supports DB size more than 10GB whereas SQL express edition supports DB size 10GB only. Most of the ITC distributors use SQL express edition, so when the DB size nears 10GB the Forum application will not work properly and issues like Forum Server and Client login issues.

In some cases we will be doing this DB shrinking and reindexing process when the forum performance is poor.

DB Size reduce : In the tool there is Database size reduce tab, in that click on the reduce database size button and the database size reducing process will be initiated, during this process the unwanted datas of the received table will be deleted which helps in freeing up some space for DB reindexing and DB shrinking processs.


Database Reindexing : After Database size reduce is completed we should proceed with the Database reindexing. In the DB reindexing the datas in the table get refreshed and rearranged freeing up some space. Now click on the Database Reindex button and the database reindexing will be initiated.


Database Shrinking : After the DB reindexing the DB shrinking is done to shrink the database and reduce its size. Now got the Database shrink tab and click on the Database Shrink button and the Database shrinking will be initiated and post completion of the database shrinking the size of the database will be reduced.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

Introduction : In the Scheme Products Refresh tab we will be refreshing the scheme products table, when the scheme is showing in the invoice window but is not applying in the invoices. So we have to close the forum and click on the Scheme Products button in the Scheme Products Refresh tab and give yes to refresh the scheme products table.


Now the scheme products table is refreshed successfully. Now open the forum and check whether the schemes are applying.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/12/2022
Keerthana S Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 1.0 02/12/2022 02/12/2022
Short description
Change the customer credit norm details, such as credit days to be restricted for 60 days for all the customers in the customer master
Severity: SR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Service Request
Analysis template
Short description
CD requested us to Increase the credit limit.
Severity: SR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Service Request
Analysis template
Short description
Corporate page Error
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Unable To Login Online application for all users
Analysis template
Short description
DMS Error
Severity: SR
Priority: Medium
Problem code: Sales Order To Bulk Invoice Creation Problem
Analysis template
Short description
CD is Unable to download the Customer master report from Distributor portal.
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Customer Master Edit
Analysis template
Short description
We have saved Invoice No. 4590726812 Dated. 29-11-2022 Rs.1,30,539.00 Sl. No. 1 MAK Ruby Grease 2 Kg HSN: 271019 : 22G03 3 CS But, while making the bill MAK Ruby Grease - 2 Kg - Not accepting.
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Invoice Related Doubts
Analysis template
Short description
In the distributor portal report number 30 salesman wise invoice summary report is not generating.
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Others
Analysis template
Short description
We are not able to update Salesman details in Forum NXT portal. It is asking to update Salesman category, but no option is appearing in dropdown.
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Invoice Related Doubts
Analysis template
Short description
While we try to bill, we are getting this error
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Invoice Related Doubts
Analysis template
Short description
We are not able to download sales report data from DMS of below customer
Severity: IR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Invoice Related Doubts
Analysis template
Short description
CD raised a concern regarding GST number need to be updated in the sales invoices
Severity: SR
Priority: Low
Problem code: Service Request
Analysis template
Short description
Forum not Syncing properly
Severity: SR
Priority: Medium
Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :
Short description
FSU Installation Issue
Severity: IR
Priority: Critical
Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :
Short description
Winner SKU not showing in Vajra
Severity: IR
Priority: Critical
Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :

Now revert the case to TCS that the Datas are coming in the given Views with a screenshot and ask the WD to start his billing.

Note : If the views are not showing any Datas after executing the refresh query discuss with the development team and the development team will suggest you for initiating manual datapost in the backend.

Manual Dataposting :

The manual dataposting will take around 6 Hrs approximately.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/12/2022
Keerthana S Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 1.0 02/12/2022 02/12/2022

Introduction :While doing the first level of analysis if the database is corrupted we will be assigning the case to the development team for DB Correction. But with the help of this tool the DB correction is done in our support end itself. Below are the step by step processs for the DB correction.

Correction with the help of Recent backup :After identifying the recent backup with the good condition copy the backup to another location and rename the good backup which is going to be used for the correction process as “Minerva_backup.bak”.


In some scenarios the DB will be in the suspect mode in that case we have to change it to emergency mode and multiuser mode, with the help of the tool.


In the tool click on the emergency mode and after that click on the multiuser mode to make the data base in to the temporarily accessible mode.


Now after changing the Database mode click on the create fresh DB with backup database and click on the Restore Backup D button and the backup DB will be restored successfully.


DB correction with the FSU installation :If the recent Backup is not good the DB Correction can be done with the help of FSUs installation in the tool click on the Using fresh DB creation with the FSU installation and click on the check the FSU availability, if the FSU are available click on the create FreshDB button and the DB creation will begin.


Now click on the Check Missing tables to find the missing tables, if the tables are not available click on the create missing tables option. After that click on the Check missing column count, if the columns are not available click on the create missing columns.


After the FreshDB creation click on the Data transfer tab and click the Proceed Data transfer to Fresh DB option, the datas from the corrupted DB will be transferred to the created Fresh DB.


If the table datas are not transferred, the list of tables will be listed in the view box as below.


Now Enter that table name in the transfer data box and give transfer data and the data will be transferred, now enter table name in the record to check the count mismatch.


After the data transfer click on the Check for record Counts option to find the record count mismatch in the corrected database.


If the record mismatch is there the name of the table and the mismatched count will be displayed below.


If the Count mismatch is there we have to assign the case to the devolopment team for data transfer.

If there is no record count mismatch click on the Backup Corrected DB to take the backup of the corrected database and the backup will be created in the Forum installation path.


And after that restore the corrected backup via restore backup exe.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

Introduction :In this issue WD has submitted his spend RFA but it is not reflected in Astra portal, so we have to resubmit the RFA activity codes which are given from the ITC EDI Team for the mentioned month.

In the tool open the RFA resubmit tab, select the start date and end date as the month in which the activity codes belongs to. Now enter the activity codes in the activity codes window with a comma between each activity codes if the activity codes are more than one.


Now Click on the Validate activity codes to check whether the given activity codes are valid activity codes. If it is valid it shows valid, If not valid it shows invalid.


Now click on the Reopen spend RFA and the valid activity codes will be ready for resubmission in the spend window in the pending state.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

Introduction :In order to reduce the time taken for resolution of the issues in Forum ITC, our development team has developed a tool for various repeated scenarios which can be resolved in our end without the dependency of the development team. The tool is developed with 14 tabs which are mentioned below.

Instructions to use the tool :

Tool Login Credential :

Username : support
Password : P@ssw0rd

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

Introduction :The Line Feed Removing tab is used when we get issue regarding the unnecessary gaps in the reports related to transactions and reports having customer billing and shipping address.


In the tool after entering in to the Line Feed Removing tab click on the Checking in Customer Master button it will fetch the number of customer detail having gaps.


Now click on the Removing in the customer master button to remove the gaps. Now the gaps are removed in Customer Master table.


Now Click on the Checking in Invoice Abstract button to check the count in the Invoice Abstract table.


Now click on the Removing in Invoice Abstarct button to remove the gaps in the Invoice abstract table.

Version Summary
Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

Introduction :Previously we were doing the first level analysis in database like database health check up and FSU sequence check in the SQL with the queries. But now we can do those checkups with the help of Tool.

Database Health Checkup: While performing the database you should close forum in Server and all the other nodes. If the the forum is not closed we will get the below mentioned popup. So kindly ensure whether all the nodes are closed before performing the database health checkup.


Once the nodes are closed the application will allow to perform the database health checkup and ask for the yes or no popup to perform the database health checkup.


After that the database health checkup will be get initiated.


If the database is good we will get the below mentioned popup.


If the database is not good the below mentioned popup will appear stating that the database is corrupted, in that case we have to proceed with the DB Correction. Which we will be seeing in upcoming articles


FSU Sequence Check : After Database health checkup close the tab and open the FSU sequence check tab and click on the Check FSU Sequence. If there is no FSU listed the FSUs are in sequence.


If the FSUs are not in sequence the FSU list will be listed, from which the FSU sequence is missed. We will be seeing about the FSU sequence reset in the upcoming articles.


Checking YEP status : The YEP( Year End Process) status is used to confirm whether the close period is completed or not in the previous operating year databases. The status of the databases are listed below:

  • Status ‘2’ = YEP completed properly
  • Status ‘1’ = YEP completed partially or incorrectly Incompleted
  • Status ‘0’ = Indicates Current operating year or live database
  • If the status of the previous year database is ‘0’ or ‘1’ it should be updated as ‘2’. In the tool with help of YEP status tab we can check the YEP status.

    In the YEP status tab, click on the Check FYCP Status button it will show the FYCP Status of all the available databases, if the FYCP status of the databases are proper no need to update the status.

    If the FYCP status is not proper we have to update the status correct FYCP status.


    Now click on the Update Fycp Status button and the FYCP Status of the databases will be updated correctly.

    Version Summary
    Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
    Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

    Introduction : When WD wants to login in to the previous operating year to take printout of the Invoices, reports and do other activities, at that time forum will not get logged in and the recovery manager will open. In that case we will be checking the YEP Status and update the status and install the FSU Patch in the previous year databases available.


    Need to check current year Database FSU sequence , if no sequence, then detach all the old year's DB and reset the FSU sequence for the current year's database and install FSU and login forum. After login forum, attach the all the old year DB and run the patch installer.

    Now close the forum and open the tool in that go to the FSU Patch Installer tab and select the database in which the WD wants to login, and click Check FSU List to validate the FSU availablity.


    Now click on the Proceed to Run Patch.dat button to install the FSU patch in the selected database. Now the patches will get installed.


    Once the Patches are installed in the selected database now login in to the selected operating year.

    Version Summary
    Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
    Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024

    Introduction : If the FSU are not in sequence we have to reset the sequence. For that first we have to check the availability of FSU using FSU Availability tab. In that first select the database in which the FSU is not in sequence and click on the Check FSU list button and it will list the available FSUs. If the FSUs are not available it will be highlighted in red colour and click on Save FSU and a MissingFSUList notepad will be saved in the file location. So we have to copy the missing FSU files in the Forum update download folder in the forum installation path.


  • FSU reset will be in 2 ways:
  • a. Force reset if FSU is already in sequence
  • b. The FSU sequence may is out and will reset from that FSU sequence from the FSU shown in screen.
  • Once the missing FSUs are pasted in the installation path you will get a popup that all the FSUs are available in the application path. We can proceed with the FSU Sequence reset.
  • ForumV2_50

    Now go to the FSU Sequence Reset tab and click on the FSU Sequence Check button and after that click on FSU sequence reset button and give yes to reset the sequence. Now open the forum the FSUs will get installled.



    After the FSU installation don’t open the forum, open the tool and go to the FSU Sequence Reset tab and click on the Reports to Upload Update button to update the reports upload date in Forum, and the reports to upload date will be updated correctly. Now open the Forum.

    Version Summary
    Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
    Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/02/2024
    Short description
    WD has incorrectly updated the dayclose date, so requesting us to correct the Day close date.
    Severity: SR
    Priority: High
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now : How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence How to find the status Anti-virus and Window Firewall? ForumApp running in the component services - Yes/No

    Search for Component services → Click on Computer à My Computer à “COM+ APPLICATION” → Right click on "ForumAPP" and click "Start".
    If the ForumApp is running, then it is in good state.


    Delete that existing ForumApp in the component services and need to create a new one.
    To create a new ForumApp in component services.

    Dayclose module date and Lastinventory upload date Date need to be updated in dayclose module

    Need to check and confirm with the WD that which Date need to be updated in dayclose module.

    How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.


    We need the branch approval for the DayClose Reopen and ITC confirmation Mail from the Respective Spocs.

    Short description
    Customer is “ Unable to LOGIN” into our Forum Application.
    Severity: IR
    Priority: Critical
    Reference Case ID- IT#0034222147
    Inputs: Information needs to be conveyed to the customer:

    We should notify the customer that the database has been corrupted and advise WD to stop billing in the client system to proceed with database correction.

    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :

    Note: Above fields are to be filled with appropriate data after analysis and should be posted in ServiceNow.

    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode?

    Database Health Checkup: While performing the database you should close forum in Server and all the other nodes. If the the forum is not closed we will get the below mentioned popup. So kindly ensure whether all the nodes are closed before performing the database health checkup.


    Once the nodes are closed the application will allow to perform the database health checkup and ask for the yes or no popup to perform the database health checkup.


    After that the database health checkup will be get initiated.


    If the database is good we will get the below mentioned popup.


    If the database is not good the below mentioned popup will appear stating that the database is corrupted, in that case we have to proceed with the DB Correction. Which we will be seeing in upcoming articles


    FSU Sequence Check : After Database health checkup close the tab and open the FSU sequence check tab and click on the Check FSU Sequence. If there is no FSU listed the FSUs are in sequence.


    If the FSUs are not in sequence the FSU list will be listed, from which the FSU sequence is missed. We will be seeing about the FSU sequence reset in the upcoming articles.


    Checking YEP status : The YEP( Year End Process) status is used to confirm whether the close period is completed or not in the previous operating year databases. The status of the databases are listed below:

  • Status ‘2’ = YEP completed properly
  • Status ‘1’ = YEP completed partially or incorrectly Incompleted
  • Status ‘0’ = Indicates Current operating year or live database
  • If the status of the previous year database is ‘0’ or ‘1’ it should be updated as ‘2’. In the tool with help of YEP status tab we can check the YEP status.

    In the YEP status tab, click on the Check FYCP Status button it will show the FYCP Status of all the available databases, if the FYCP status of the databases are proper no need to update the status.

    If the FYCP status is not proper we have to update the status correct FYCP status.


    Now click on the Update Fycp Status button and the FYCP Status of the databases will be updated correctly.


    How to check the Recent back status?

  • Step 1 : Go the Forum MicroERP file location
  • Step 2 : Select "Backup Folder"
  • Step 3 : Search for the recent backup
  • Step 4 : Then go to the SQL Management studio
  • 1. Click on Database → New Database → "Add a new name as (eg:TESTDB)"
  • ForumV2_17
  • ForumV2_18
  • 2. Then Right Click on TestDB
  • 3. Click on Task → Restore → Databases
  • ForumV2_19
  • 4. Restoring mini tab will be opened
  • 5. In that select "Device"
  • 6. Go to that Forum MicroERP recent Back up file location
  • 7. Select that particular Backup (For Eg- Forum_DMS782_2022.bak) and click Okay. The restore path's location must be verified.
  • 8. Select the overwrite OPTION
  • 9. And Click on Restore "Okay"
  • 10. That particular Backup will restore in the "TESTDB" Database.
  • ForumV2_20
  • 11. Open new query, click on the Drop down icon and select the "TEST DB"
  • 12. Execute the Query (DBCC CHECKDB)
  • 13. If the Query was executed successfully, then the recent DB is in Good status
  • ForumV2_21

  • How to check the LDF Database size?

  • Step 1 : Go the Forum MicroERP file location
  • Step 2 : we can right click on the Minerva LDF 2021--- select the "Properties"---and find the LDF Size
  • ForumV2_22

  • How to check the MDF Database size?

  • Step 1 : Go the Forum MicroERP file location
  • Step 2 : we can right click on the Minerva MDF 2021--- select the "Properties"---and get the LDF Size
  • ForumV2_23

  • How to find the status Anti-virus and Window Firewall?

  • Step 1 : Go to Windows security-- click on the "FireWall and network settings" and check whether it is turned on/off
  • ForumV2_24
  • Step 2 : Check any third party anti-virus is installed or not (eg : Quick heal , Avast , MacAfee ) and disable it

  • How to clear the Temp files?

  • Step 1 : Click on Windows and search for "RUN"
  • ForumV2_25
  • Step 2 : Click on "RUN" and type %temp% and the find the temp files
  • ForumV2_26
  • Step 3 : Then click "CTRL+A" for selecting all the files, right click and delete all the Temp files in the Temp files

  • How to find the Consistency Error Count after executing the DBCC query?

  • Step 1 : Click on the Drop down icon and select the latest Minerva (Minerva 2022)
  • Step 2 : Execute the Query (DBCC CHECKDB)
  • Step 3 : DBCC CHECKDB command in the SQL server checks the logical and physical consistency error count.

  • How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

  • Step 1 : In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.

    Correction with the help of Recent backup : After identifying the recent backup with the good condition copy the backup to another location and rename the good backup which is going to be used for the correction process as “Minerva_backup.bak”

  • ForumV2_27
  • In some scenarios the DB will be in the suspect mode in that case we have to change it to emergency mode , single user mode and multiuser mode, with the help of the tool.
  • ForumV2_28
  • In the tool click on the emergency mode and after that click on the multiuser mode to make the data base in to the temporarily accessible mode.
  • ForumV2_29
  • ForumV2_30
  • ForumV2_31
  • Now after changing the Database mode click on the create fresh DB with backup database and click on the Restore Backup D button and the backup DB will be restored successfully.
  • ForumV2_32
  • ForumV2_33
  • DB correction with the FSU installation : If the recent Backup is not good the DB Correction can be done with the help of FSUs installation in the tool click on the Using fresh DB creation with the FSU installation and click on the check the FSU availability,if the FSU are available click on the create FreshDB button and the DB creation will begin.
  • ForumV2_34
  • ForumV2_35
  • Missing tables to find the missing tables, if the tables are not available click on the create missing tables option. After that click on the Check missing column count, if the columns are not available click on the create missing columns.
  • ForumV2_36
  • ForumV2_37
  • ForumV2_38
  • ForumV2_39
  • After the FreshDB creation click on the Data transfer tab and click the Proceed Data transfer to Fresh DB option, the datas from the corrupted DB will be transferred to the created Fresh DB.
  • ForumV2_40
  • ForumV2_41
  • After the data transfer click on the Check for record Counts option to find the record count mismatch in the corrected database.
  • ForumV2_42
  • If the record mismatch is there the name of the table and the mismatched count will be displayed below.
  • ForumV2_43
  • If the Count mismatch is there we have to assign the case to the devolopment team for data transfer.
  • If there is no record count mismatch click on the Backup Corrected DB to take the backup of the corrected database and the backup will be created in the Forum installation path.
  • ForumV2_44
  • Step 4 : Then we need to proceed with the restoration process of corrected database.
  • Step 5 : Before restoring we need to inform the WD to close the forum applications and end task of forum application in task manager
  • Step 6 : Then we have to go to the Forum MicroERP file location---- click on "RestoreBackup.exe" and select the corrected Db ""D:\Minerva_DMS782_2022_CorrectedDB_280112022.bak".
  • Step 7 : Select the "Restore" option
  • Step 8 : After Restoration process completed, login the Forum MicroERP Application, then FSU will get download and starts installing.
  • Step 9 : After the FSU installation is successfully completed, The Forum MicroERP Application will be Logged in Successfully.
  • Step 10 : Once the Forum got logged in take a screenshot and attach in the respective incident ticket and call the WD to inform that the forum was logged in and confirm with the WD post getting the confirmation Update the screenshot and revert for the closure confirmation.
  • Exceptional Scenario :
    If we Could not able to recover (correct ) the Database, need to have a discussion with the development team and update in the case that our development team could not able to recover all the important tables, then we have to check any recent backup available at WD With good status and intimate the TCS team to check with branch to restore it.

    Version Summary
    Author Reviewer Approver Current Version Current Version Published On Maiden Version Published On
    Ramesh T Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 2.0 02/02/2024 02/12/2022
    Keerthana S Vimal Kumar Julian Shawn Dmonte - Deputy Manager 1.0 02/12/2022 02/12/2022
    Short description
    Forum Server Working Slow
    Severity: SR
    Priority: Medium
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :

    Note: Above fields are to be filled with appropriate data after analysis and should be posted in ServiceNow.

    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to clear the Temp files? How to check the LDF Database size? How to check the MDF Database size? How to find the status Anti-virus and Window Firewall? How to check Database mode? How to Check FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence? If the performance is still slow

    Assign the case to the development team they will remove the unwanted records from the tables that are getting slow and after that, again ask the WD to check the performance and now the performance will be good.


    This issue is mainly caused due to the following reasons:

    Short description
    Wd raised a concern regarding the till date actual points are not updated in the Performance Report.
    Severity: SR
    Priority: High
    Reference Case ID - IT#0031097740
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :

    Note: Above fields are to be filled with appropriate data after analysis and should be posted in ServiceNow.

    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence Report Name- we can find the Report in the Incident Issue Description Dayclose module date and Lastinventory upload date SQL Version

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.

    Resolution Part
    Short description
    “Print not Coming in forum” from Forum Application.
    Severity: IR
    Priority: Critical
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :

    Note: Above fields are to be filled with appropriate data after analysis and should be posted in ServiceNow.

    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? How to Check FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence?

    After completing the Checklist Analysis, Execute the NetUse Command in the Command prompt the mentioned issue will get resolved and the print will come from the Forum Application.

    Short description
    WD logged a call regarding “GGRR report is not generating” in our Forum Application.
    Severity: SR
    Priority: High
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :
    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence Report Name- we can find the Report in the Incident Issue Description
    Parameter screen Shot

    Dayclose module date and Lastinventory upload date How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.


    Resolution Part
    Short description
    We got a call log regarding submitted Damage RFA Activity codes are not received at central.
    Severity: SR
    Priority: High
    Reference Case ID - IT#0025707943
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :
    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence How to find the status Anti-virus and Window Firewall? How to clear the Temp files? ForumApp running in the component services - Yes/No

    Search for Component services → Click on Computer à My Computer à “COM+ APPLICATION” → Right click on "ForumAPP" and click "Start".
    If the ForumApp is running, then it is in good state.


    Delete that existing ForumApp in the component services and need to create a new one.
    To create a new ForumApp in component services.

    TO Rename the Forumupload, ForumDownload folder How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.


    Month and Activity codes

    Month and Activity codes details will be mentioned in the Incident Issue Description, also we need to confirm that once with the Wd also.

    Short description
    We got a call log regarding submitted “Scheme RFA” Activity codes are not received at central.
    Severity: SR
    Priority: High
    Reference Case ID - IT#0033961223
    Inputs: Workflow
    Analysis checklist need to be checked and posted in the service now :
    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence How to find the status Anti-virus and Window Firewall? How to clear the Temp files? ForumApp running in the component services - Yes/No

    Search for Component services → Click on Computer à My Computer à “COM+ APPLICATION” → Right click on "ForumAPP" and click "Start".
    If the ForumApp is running, then it is in good state.


    Delete that existing ForumApp in the component services and need to create a new one.
    To create a new ForumApp in component services.

    TO Rename the Forumupload, ForumDownload folder How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.


    Month and Activity codes

    Month and Activity codes details will be mentioned in the Incident Issue Description, also we need to confirm that once with the Wd also.

    Short description
    Wd logged a call that they are unable to save the invoice in Forum.
    Severity: IR
    Priority: Critical
    Reference Case ID - IT#0034549930

    Analysis template:
    Below are the step-by-step process to complete the analysis checklist:

    How to check Database mode? FSU sequence - in sequence/not in sequence How to find the SQL Version in WD system?

    In the SQL Management Studio execute the query "Select @@version" and find the SQL version.


    Installation Path error log

    Go the Forum MicroERP file location → Type "Error" in the Find option and search the Error log and check the error log details

    Invoice Number, Customer name and the Item details RESOLUTION PART